SAASPC is a strong supporter of public education and the voice for SA parents and community members
We are the state body for parents from government preschools and schools

South Australian news

PIE grants 2025

The Parents in Education (PIE) grants for SA public schools and preschools are now closed.  The panel to assess the applications and make recommendations to the Minister for Education will meet soon.

Right Bite Standards revised

Right Bite standards are recommended as best practice for all SA public schools and out of school hours care; and should be applied to all food and drinks sold or provided to students. You can find more information about the revised standards here


Free regional workshops. Check here for the next one

Volunteer policy (Dept for Education) 2024

Great Start website  

Offers parents of children aged under five years valuable learning resources including games and activities based on everyday experiences - have a look at it


Annual General Meeting rescheduled to Monday 25 November at 1pm

Face to face and online.  All affiliates invited and others welcome as observers. Contact us to register your attendance.

We would love to have new members nominate to be on our Executive Committee - get in touch if you are interested.

Join us

Do you care not just about the education and well being of your own child but that of other children too? We would love to hear your thoughts so why not join our Executive committee - it's not a big commitment and you can make a real difference. Contact us for more information if you are interested - we'd especially like to hear from those with an interest in early childhood 

Executive meetings

Held once a month on a Monday 10:30 am-3:00pm. All welcome as observers. Contact us for more information

Information sessions

We offer free information sessions (and we will come to your site) - contact us to arrange one

  • Merit selection panels for preschool director/principal positions for the governing council nominee in preschools and schools
  • Responding to risks of harm, abuse and neglect; both parent group and governing council members MUST do RRHAN-EC training - either face to face or online
  • Parent groups - establishment and maintenance; finance and governance

Affiliate now

All public schools and preschools are welcome to affiliate with us - you can download the form here; individual membership is also available - call us if you would like more information

Parents Say magazine

The latest edition, August 2024 is available on the Publications page

National news

Family Engagement Implementation tools

These resources from the Australian Research Alliance on Children and Youth (ARACY) provide practical guidance on implementing successful parent and family engagement practices focusing on the ‘how’ rather than just the ‘why’.  All the information is at

Australian curriculum

If you want to know what's typically taught in each learning area at different year bands at school you can get fact sheets here

Student wellbeing hub

On this Australian government website parents will find advice and information to help them support their child, build positive communication with their child’s school and contribute actively to the wider school community

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