These Welfare Clubs received official sanction with the passing of the Education Amendment Act which came into effect in 1942.
Over the years parent clubs made contact with other groups in their local area, which shared similar interests. These informal contacts were formalised by the establishment of Area Associations, which had a committee structure. Members met regularly to share information and ideas and generally support each other.
As this spontaneous movement towards area groups grew to become statewide it was recognised that closer contact between these Associations would be desirable.
At the instigation of the River Districts Association, a state conference was held in August 1952. Another was held the following year, at which an executive committee was formed.
More conferences followed, and in 1957 it was decided to form a State Association. The first annual conference of this Association, under the name of the South Australian State Association of School Welfare Clubs, was held in 1958, and the first State Officers were elected.